Since 2017, BeMA has been at the forefront of a highly productive public school, artist- led program entitled Creative Pathways.
Integrated into the curriculum, it has been implemented into a growing number of schools every year, reaching all corners of Lebanon.
The department of Learning and Outreach has been developing more and more programs with the mission of creating awareness about the wealth of Lebanese art & artists through publications & workshops.
All programs are designed around the current comprehensive collection of BeMA in mind.
2017: Launch of BeMA in Public Schools program for the Lebanese public schools in partnership with the Lebanese Ministry of Education
2022: -Launch of Learning & Outreach Department
-Partnerships established with major universities including AUB, the Lebanese University and ALBA for workshops, symposiums and projects
2023: -Program expanded into community centers
-80,000 USD Award by the U.S. Embassy Beirut, PDS Program for Arts and Culture
15,000 USD grant from the British council to launch
-CATAPULT.visual’arts 2.0 mentorship program for Lebanese University Visual Arts students and emerging artist
2024: - Wasl Beirut: Calligraphy workshops in 2 Public Schools and 8 community centers – under the Beryt project
-Creative Pathways : BeMA in Public Schools – 16 public schools and 6 community centers – Inspired by the art of Helen Khal
-Healing Through Art: Psychosocial Support for War-Affected Communities (Toolkit and ToT) in collaboration with SRH University in Berlin
Current Situation
— Learning booklets on Lebanese art and artists
— Series of children’s books in development
— 19 schools across Akkar, Sebeel, Zahle, Tyre, Byblos, Saida, Damour,
Broummana, Chouf; Tripoli, Batroun and Beirut have benefited from
the highly successful program
— Three Research Grants offered per year to investigate the collection.
Upcoming targets
— 40 Lebanese public schools
— Raise further awareness on Lebanese art and artists — Nurture a public through shared heritage
Video links: